Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Another day, Another Dollar

Hello everyone,

Donald Mitchell-Innes here!

I've always like that saying. What does it mean though? One can only assume its a mundane saying for another mundane day. Normally when I type I don't use backspace but its funny how, if you're typing something that you really want to get across; you find yourself typing and retyping.

Anyways. I really am looking for another career. I don't care about the money. My land has been good to me (Found gold a while back) and I want to enjoy waking up and going to work. Its cold here, really Cold.

Donald Mitchell-Innes.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Hello everyone!

I have actually started a website.

I will be posting there regularly, however I will keep this blog alive for certain posts relating to games and other things that I find interesting and want to share.

I can't guarantee how often I will post here but it will be every so often.

Donald Mitchell Innes.